Q & A
Here you'll find a list of our most commonly-asked questions.
If you have questions not addressed here, you may contact us at INFO@TraditionsEducation.com.
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Q: What are the deadlines for enrolling?
A: Applications must be in by June 15, 2024. Applications received between June 16 and July 15 will be assessed a increased application fee of $250. Applications received after July 15, 2024 will be transferred to the waitlist.
Fun Friday registration closes after June 31, 2024. Registrations received after the deadline will be transferred to the waitlist.
Q: What is the admission process for new students?
A: The first step is for the prospective student and a parent is to visit our campus. This can be done by scheduling a class-time campus visit during the day, attending an Info Night event, or being a guest at one of our Student Showcase nights. An online application must then be submitted, along with a non-refundable $100 Application Fee. If the application is approved, the prospective student and parent will receive an email with information explaining the steps to complete the enrollment process. ​
Q: Are there any other fees involved in the Enrollment process?
A: There are very few additional fees outside of the Application Fee and Tuition.
A one-time $500 fee is required for each new student as part of the admission process. Fees are assigned based on classes taken by each student and cover consumable workbooks as well as items that will be continuously used by the same student, such as readers, musical instruments, math manipulatives, etc.
Q: What is the current tuition rate?
A: Tuition for the 2023-2024 school year is as follows:
$5100 a year for Kindergarteners in partial-day enrollment
$6200 a year for Elementary students.
$7200 a year for Middle and High School students.
Q: What is the name of this school? Traditions? Traditions Education? Traditions School?
A: The official name is Traditions - Freedom Through Education. However, to simplify things we usually use the nickname "Traditions Education."
Q: Is Traditions Education a Christian school?
A: Everything we do as a part of the Traditions Education family is guided and informed by a set of morals and ethics instituted by God. While we are not a “Christian” or parochial school in the sense that we don't teach Bible classes, we embrace Judeo-Christian values in that we believe we are accountable to a loving God. This understanding is underscored in the very foundations of how we teach our students to be the best versions of themselves and recognize that they are a part of something bigger than themselves. School Codes and Policies communicate these expectations. School Codes and Policies communicate these expectations.
Q: Is Traditions Education a charter school, or affiliated with any other school?
A: No, we are an independent K-12 private school.
Q: How large are your classes?
A: We generally cap our classrooms between 12 and 15 students.
Q: Do you offer any discounts or scholarships?
A: We are not currently large enough to offer scholarships. We do, however, offer a family discount and a 10% military discount.
Q: Do you offer dual credit courses?
Traditions Education is partnered with Lone Star College. We encourage all of our high school students to take advantage of the plethora of academic and workforce dual credit courses in order to enhance their education and move toward their future.
Q: What is the student dress code? Are uniforms required?
A: While we don't require uniforms, we do expect our students and staff to dress in a way that is appropriate and respectful. A fuller explanation can be found in our School Codes and Policies.
Q: Does Traditions Education follow the State of Texas Graduation Requirements?
A: No. Private schools are not required by law to follow state graduation standards. This allows our students the freedom to insert some classes into their schedules based on personal interest and professional goals, while still meeting elevated academic standards.
Q: How are the students organized? Do you divide students into grades like a traditional school?
A: As part of our student-centered learning approach, we place all students in leveled math and ELA classes according to the results of their assessment. They are placed with similar-aged students for other classes.
Q: What curriculum do you use?
A: We use the following curriculum over the course of the program: RightStart Math, Logic of English, Institute for Excellence in Writing, iCivics, and Prodigies Music, to name a few.
Q: What supplies are the students required to bring? Do you provide a list?
A: We provide a list for each student level as part of the Enrollment Package. All Middle and High School students are required to have their own laptop or Chromebook. Elementary students will not be using technology on campus, though parents will be provided with resources to use at home, if they desire.
Q: What extra-curricular activities do you offer?
In order to provide an enriching experience for our elementary students, we incorporate music, movement, and Spanish into their regular class schedule. We also offer elementary students an opportunity to learn science, citizenship, art, culture, dance, and singing on Fridays. This opportunity is also open to homeschool students.
Our middle school students participate in a variety of classes, including elective-type Exploration classes and the Life Skills Training Course.
High school students are provided a plethora of courses they can take during school hours that serve similar purposes as extra-curriculars outside of class.
Q: Do your teachers assign homework?
A: We don't believe in assigning homework as busywork. However, we do send home practice work to reinforce new concepts. MS and HS students will take home any work they don't complete during class. Most reading assignments are expected to be done at home.
Q: Do all students use technology?
A: We have a firm belief that technology skills are necessary for success in an ever-increasing digital world. That being said, we also believe that regular exposure to technology at an early age can have detrimental effects in the long run in a wide array of areas. Electronic devices are not used by our students until they reach the Middle School level. All middle and high school students are required to have a personal laptop or Chromebook. Our cell phone policy is explained in our School Codes and Policies.
Q: Is Traditions Education accredited?
A: There are benefits to a private school having accreditation, namely that it’s easy to transfer to a public school. It used to be a status symbol in the education realm, but due to the ever-growing popularity of homeschooling, most colleges and universities have adopted alternative methods for accepting new students who did not attend an accredited high school.
Pursuing and maintaining accreditation is a long, expensive process for smaller schools, and is only offered to schools with a non-profit status. Traditions – Freedom Through Education is not seeking accreditation for these reasons, and has chosen instead to partner with Lonestar College campuses and other colleges and universities to offer a dual credit option to our students. We prefer to put our money back into our student program, instead of paying for an unnecessary designation of status.